Friday, May 7, 2010

Cheese Bread Sticks (Grissini) - Ost Brödpinne


Jag var mycket upptagen denna vecka - ett prov i måndags, en intervju i onsdags och nu måste jag plugga på SFI provet i maj. Eftersom jag är lite kort på tid därför kan jag inte uppdatera min blog så mycket.

Men här är Grissini eller brödpinne som jag har gjort för 3 veckor sedan. Gjorde jag brödpinne med cheddar ost och garnerade med sesam och vallmofrö. Först trodde jag att vi kan ha dem när vi ha gäst men Johan åt allt upp bara i några dagar. Sätt i gång! Prova denna :)!

I was quite busy this week, had a test on Monday, an interview on Wednesday and now I have to study really hard for the SFI test in May.

Here's something you can try making for your guests though, grisinni or bread sticks can be good to have around but Johan ate it all up within a few days after I made it 3 weeks ago.

This recipe came from Alex Goh's Magic Bread book:

60g bread flour
40g boiling water

Add the boiling water to the bread flour and blend well. Cover and let it cool before keeping in the chiller for at least 12 hours before you use it.

150g bread flour
90g plain flour
5g instant yeast
10g sugar
6g salt

130g cold water
15g butter (room temperature)
80g grated cheddar cheese

  1. Mix the dough ingredients (except the water, butter and cheese) together till well-blended.
  2. Add in the previously prepare water and flour dough into the mixture, then the cold water and the butter and knead till you get a smooth and elastic dough.
  3. Add in the grated cheese last and cover and let it proof for 20 minutes.
  4. Roll the dough out into 15 x 60 cm rectangular shape. 
  5. Cut the dough into 15 x 0.6 cm strips, stretching it strip and rolling it to about 18cm long.
  6. Place it into a baking tray lined with parchment paper, let it proof further for 15 minutes.
  7. Brush each strip with water, grind some coarse salt over and sprinkle some sesame seeds or poppy seeds over to garnish.

    Rows of breadsticks
  8. Bake at 180 degrees celsius for 10 minutes first. Then turn each strip over and bake for another 5 minutes or until the sticks turn golden brown.
  9. Let the bread sticks cool before putting it back in the oven at 120 degrees celsius for another 15 minutes to let it become dry and crispy.
Cheese Breadsticks

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